Speech Outline

Hattie Bennett

English 1 Block 2

Mrs. Duitsman

August 26, 2019


Three Objects That Make Me, Me


Good morning, I’m Hattie which I bet you all know. Today I’m going to be talking about three sentimental objects that explain who I am and who I have become. 

For my first object I brought my necklace, it is key that says the words “courage”. I bought this necklace for my grandpa a year ago while he was battling cancer and he never took it off unless he had to for medical reasons. The night he passed away, my grandma handed it to me and I’ve always had it with me since. My grandpa was a huge part of my life and when he was diagnosed with cancer my family was devastated. 

I brought my goggles for my second object. My goggles represent my love for swimming. I am always in the water during the summer, if its practice or for fun. If you look at them they have lots of scratches on them and that shows just how much I use them and how I’m constantly in the water. I’ve been swimming since i was about 5, I wasn’t even in swimming lessons for one summer before I switched over to swim team. 

Then their is my third object which is my roller skates. These are a few years old because I haven been able to go to the skating rink since it was torn down. These mean so much to me because it was part of my younger childhood and its part of me growing up. My mom worked at the skating when I was born and so I was always at the rink, when I learned how to walk the next thing I learned to do was skating. My mom ran the skating rink, my dad worked their for a little while, my aunt and uncle both worked their and so did both my grandma and grandpa and also my great grandma. We had a family their and about a month or so ago we celebrated my grandpa’s birthday and we got everyone who worked their and was part of our “family” together and we skated in honor of him. 

Thank you for listening to me talk about my objects and what they mean to me. I hope that I can get to know you better and see the things we have in common. 

“Thank you for listening to a little bit about me. I hope that I get to know some of you better through your speeches” .

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